
EDU 228 Webquest


Read and follow the directions below carefully

1.    There are 6 students in this group. Each of you will pick one person to portray for your journal.

Choose from the following:

The Native American                                               religious leader

The governor                                                             slave

The poor farmer                                                      the upper-class farmer


2.    Next, print the graphic organizer titled “Life in the colonial days” and use the questions provided to help you accurately described your person and get a real sense of what life was really like. Each member of your group is to complete a graphic organizer. Make sure to include your name and the character when you turn it in. Use the links below to help you complete.


3.    After your graphic organizer is complete, you will want to create a journal. I want you to use your imagination and make the journal look as if it would have when your character wrote it. For example, the religious leader may want to create a scroll out of a brown paper bag, or the slave may want to write on a piece of dried fish as his/her journal. (*Write your thoughts on a scrap piece of paper before adding to your finished product)


4.    Once the journal is complete, you should have a pretty good sense of what your character was like. You will dress like your character for a skit that your group will create as well. You will need to make a piece of clothing or accessory(s) from the materials that will be provided to you. You will also be allowed to bring 1-2 other school appropriate items from home or other resource that would represent how your character may have looked. For example, the Native American may create a vest with brown bag and bring in a pair of moccasins, and the poor farmer may create a handkerchief and bring overalls from home.


5.    The group will bring together the information from each of your graphic organizers and make a skit. You can make it one scene, or several scenes. Do not allow the skit to go over more than 10 minutes. Each character is to participate. You will be allowed a few minutes to set up props or settings if needed before your presentation begins.


6.    Have fun!!! Let your creative, imaginary side out!!!




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