


Now that you have a lot of information about your city its time to organise your presentation!

Firstly, you will need an introduction. Use the grammar functions you learned to give your self introduction. Then tell the audience the city you will be focusing on and give the main topics you will be covering.

Next you need to organise the body of your presentation. Present the facts that you have discovered and interesting, supportive images. Remember you may use any mode of multimedia that best suits your presentations style.

Finally, you need to conclude your presentation. Give a summary of the main points you discussed and thank your audience for listening!

Once you have completed your draft show the teacher and a peer for review and feedback.  

Once you have done your own research investigate more about the six main cities through this powerpoint. Once you have familiarised yourself with the main facts of each city try to do the quiz. Don’t worry if you get the answer wrong, you can try again until you get it right!


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    Description: Cities of Japan

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