
Lord of the Flies Mask Project



Day 1: 

Watch this version of Lord of the Flies from 1963, minute 56 to minute 59 - 


Answer the following questions: 

1. What was Jack's original intention when he created his mask? 

2. What are the unintended consequences of creating the mask? 

3. How does the video above reflect the passages in the book about the boys painting their faces and going hunting? Do you get the same feeling from the video that you do from the book? 

4. The face paint makes some of the boys indistinguishable from each other, why is this important? 

5. Jack is always easily identifiable, even with the face paint. Why is this? 

6. Look at these images and write a few notes on what you notice, like, and dislike about them - 

http://www.nuvo.net/binary/63f8/comedy-tragedy-theatre.jpg - Comedy-Tragedy Masks

http://www.international.ucla.edu/shenzhen/2002ncta/lucas/papermaskspg/monkeyman.jpg - Kabuki makeup

http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/15926392/2/stock-photo-15926392-african-tribal-mask-from-zambia-africa.jpg - Zambian tribal mask

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jj0DK9CLllc/TxQdnfyXFdI/AAAAAAAAAEg/cYHqy3Jlc4o/s1600/face%252Btattoos%252Bhgdf4.jpg, and http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Na9gCRyK_TQ/TxQdiw0WCdI/AAAAAAAAAEM/7HAvR-dC6Jk/s1600/face%252Btattoos%252B77534.jpg - modern facial tattoos

Day 2: 

Begin a rough draft of your mask on the Paint application on your laptops. Feel free to use clip art or other imagines online. Some questions you might ask yourself before you begin - What colors represent you? What are your interests and hobbies? What do you like to daydream about? What are your favorite books and/or movies? 

Print and share your masks in groups. Do any of the other masks in your group inspire you to make changes to your own mask? 

Begin work on your actual paper mache mask. You may use paint, markers, crayons, glitter, feathers, and you may print images to glue to your mask. Bring any additional supplies you need. 

Day 3:

Continue working on your mask. 

When you complete your mask, use your notes, rough draft, and mask to begin work on your one page essay. The essay must have an introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion. You may include quotes from the novel. Remember that the essay must tell me 1) what the different features and decorations on the mask represent. 2) How masks can be "freeing," how does the mask free Jack and his followers? Does your mask do the same for you? 

Day 4: 

The finished mask and essay are due today. Each student will briefly present their mask and explain the decorations and their meaning. Please be sure that you hand in your essay and mask at the end of class! 

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