
Holidays in Spanish-speaking Countries



Working in groups of three (I will assign your groups) you will investigate, organize, and present the following information regarding the holidays celebrated in the Spanish-speaking world.

Follow the presented information to organize your work.

Choose a holiday/celebration and get it approved with Sra. Guerra.
Once you have your holiday/event you will begin your investigation.

Investigate the ritual(s) involved in the event.
   When does it happen?
   In what country(s) is it celebrated?
   Does it occur in a special location?
   Are there special, unique, or interesting articles/items involved in your celebration?
   Is its origin religious, historical, or was it started for some other reason?
   How long has this event been celebrated in this manner?

Which events/holidays/celebrations do we have here in the United States that are similar?
(if your group has universally celebrated (religious) holidays, be certain to explore multiple differences and similarities)

   Compare the US holiday with the Spanish-speaking holiday.
   What are the differences?
   What are the similarities?
   How are these events influenced by the peoples who celebrate them?
   Does the US celebration hold as much value (to Americans) as the Spanish event does for the Spanish-speaking peoples.

Discuss within your group why you think these events are still celebrated.

   Why do these people feel compelled to continue to celebrate them in the manner that they do?
   What do these practices say about the people who celebrate them in this manner?

And Finally:
Your group will generate a PowerPoint Presentation explaining your discoveries.  Your PPT will include photos.  It can also include videos and music.
Your presentation will be presented by all members of the group.
Notecards are allowed, but please DO NOT read straight from the cards or the projection screen.  You should know this information; don't just read it as though you don't know it.
Your pictures/videos must reflect the event, its participants, items used, and the variety of locations.
There is no set time limit.  You simply need to share the aspects you've learned.  Do not rush through it, though.


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