
Native Americans and the Lewis & Clark Expedition



1. I will assign you one of the four possible Native American tribes: Blackfeet, Nez Perce, Shoshone, or Teton Sioux. You will first research the tribe assigned to you. I have provided links to sites for your research. Read the INTRODUCTION FIRST before reading the links for your tribe. Each tribe has two links, a PBS link and a National Geographic link. These are clearly marked for you. You need to read the introduction, the PBS, and the National Geographic links to get all the information needed for this project. Please make sure to take your time and carefully read the content provided on these sites.

2. Based on your new knowledge of your Native American tribe, you will next write a journal entry discussing your life and your encounter with the Lewis & Clark Expedition. Be creative and use your imagination! The journal entry must be at least two paragraphs long and include background information of the Native American tribe. Put yourself in the shoes of a Native American tribe member and express your encounter with Lewis, Clark, and the expedition.

3. You will come together with your other group members and create a Prezi based on the information you have researched about your Native American tribes. Each tribe must be included in the Prezi and information on Lewis and Clark's meeting rituals with the Native Americans that is talked about in the introduction link. Each and every member of the group must help and contribute ideas to the Prezi. Be creative with your Prezi! Include colors, pictures, and anything else you can think of!

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