
Federal Reserve WebQuest



The Process

1.     You will each be assigned a “partner” or “partners” to assist you in completing this assignment (five teams).

2.     You will visit a number of Federal Reserve Web sites to locate and disseminate information to partners and fellow students.

3.     Along with your designated partner(s), you will analyze and summarize your findings for presentation to the rest of the class.

Team/Group 1:
- visit the following site:
- answer the following questions:
a. When, why, and by whom was the Federal Reserve created?
b. How many members serve on the Federal Reserve Board of
Governors and how are they selected?
c. Who currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Governors?

Team/Group 2:
- visit the following site:
- answer the following questions:
a. What city serves as the headquarters of the Federal Reserve?
b. Define the term monetary policy and list each of the “tools”
of monetary policy.
c. How would each of these “tools” be used to regulate the economy?

Team/Group 3:
- visit the following sites:
www.federalreserve.gov and
- answer the following questions:
a. Define the structure of the Federal Reserve, including a list of
the twelve district cities of the Federal Reserve.
b. In which district do you live, and what are the branch
locations within your district?
c. List the other states located within your district.

Team/Group 4:
- visit the following site:
- answer the following questions:
a. What is the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), and how are
its members selected?
b. What economic functions are performed by the FOMC?
c. How many times in a given year does the FOMC meet?

Team/Group 5:
- visit the following site:
- answer the following questions:
a. What are some of the leading economic indicators monitored by
Federal Reserve policy makers and why are they important?
b. What do these leading indicators currently say about the economy?
c. If you were an advisor to the Board of Governors or the Federal
Open Market Committee, what monetary policy action would you
currently recommend?

As your team or group answers its designated questions, be sure to include the specific references to your sources (web address, person(s), etc.). You may use tables, flowcharts, or concept maps to organize and/or enhance your summary information. Be sure to type your answers in a Microsoft Word document for dissemination to the class. Each group will submit answers to all questions, basing final submissions on the reports given by fellow learners.

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