
Introduction of Consonant Pp



We will begin the lesson by having the kids sing the alphabet song with a CD-ROM sing along that will be viewed from the overhead projector as a whole group. From the Trophies Phonics Program I will attach the alphabet card for both uppercase and lowercase Pp. I will then ask them an array of questions to get a feel for their prior knowledge on the letter Pp. Explain that we will now learn how to write the letter Pp. Write a capital and lowercase P on the promethean board. Model forming the letters correctly, verbalizing the formation path (Straight down and curve it around at the top). Begin with the capital P. Trace over it 2 more times while verbalizing the formation. Have students verbalize with you. Do the same for the lower case P. Have students stand up and use their handy dandy pencils (their arms pointed straight out with two fingers pointing at the board) to trace the formation in the air as you trace it on the board one or two more times.  Following I will then have students come up to the promethean board utilizing the ActivPen to practicing tracing and writing the letter Pp. Next, I will give the students a few words that begin with the /p/ sound then have students brainstorm additional words with the same beginning sound to form a word web using the promethean board. Lastly I will access starfall.com and click on the letter P so they can get reinforcement on the letter Pp, the correct way to write it, and words that begins with its sounds.  Throughout the entire less I will continuously question the students. “What’s the name of this letter? What is the sound for it? Is this a capital or lowercase P? 

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