
The Girl Who Owned A City



Day 1: Read Chapters 1 and 2

Respond in your journal-Answer the following questions:

What would it be like for you in a world without adults?

What would some pros and cons be for this type of world?

Complete Activity 1: Growing Up Without Grown-Ups, and Activity 2: Setting the Scene in your journal

Is Glen Ellyn, Illinois a real place? Look up Glen Ellyn on the US Postal Service website.
US Postal Service


Day 2: Read Chapters 3 and 4

Lisa goes on a route from Glen Ellyn, north onto Riford Rd., past Chidester and Elm, to a farm on Swift Rd. Click on the following link, type in 700 Grand Ave. Glen Ellyn, IL and follow the route Lisa took. (You may have to zoom in to find Grand Ave.).

Lisa's Route

Complete Activity 3: Instinct or Survial and respond in your journal. What items would be important to you in order to survive in this type of world?  How would you feel if you were in Lisa's shoes?   Write a diary entry for one day in Lisa's Life.  Here are some examples: Lisa's Diary

Day 3: Read Chapters 5 and 6

When Todd asks Lisa what the word logical means, she says, "I think that 'logical' means that things fit together right.  Like in a puzzle, you can't put a piece in wrong..."  For Lisa, finding logical situations to the problems that face the children will help them survive in a world without adults.  Complete Activity 4: Logical and Illogical and also answer the following questions in your journal:  What was the last problem you had to solve?  How did you solve it? Tell why your solution was logical or illogical. 

What characteristics or qualities make up a good leader?  Who is someone you consider a good leader?  (It doesn't have to be someone famous).  What makes Lisa a good leader?  Would you make a good leader?   Why or why not? 

Click on the link to research World Leaders (short biographies of World leaders whether good or bad)  Leaders

Day 4: Read Chapters 7, 8, and 9 (End of Part I)

Complete Activity 5: Protecting the Citizens of Grandville in your journal.  Why do you think the author chose to use military vocabulary in this story?  Imagine you are the General of Defense for Grandville.  Write a speech in which you outline the details of your defense plan.  Listen to Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous I have a Dream speech for inspiration.... I have a dream.


Day 5: Read Chapters  10 and 11


 Complete Activity 7: Read all about it and Activity 10: What do you own? in your journal.  If you were in Lisa's position, would you have claimed ownership of Glenbard? Why or why not?

Lisa decides that in order for the citizens of Grandville to be truly happy they must work, but she did not want to lose all she had accompblished to build.  So Lisa develops a contract for all her citizens to follow.  Even our forefathers debated over the writing of the Constituation.  They knew that in order to be free we still needed rules.  Click on the following link to learn more about the making of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights http://www.congressforkids.net/Constitution_index.htm  Would you have signed the Glenbard Constitution?   Why or why not?

Day 6: Read Chapters 12 (End of Part II)

Design your own Glenbard.  In your journal design a city within your own school.  Break into groups of three or four and design a map key to indicate what each room will be used for.    Remember each room must be used.  Color code your map key.  Example, any room that is blue are the bedrooms, any room that is purple are for supplies, etc.

Day 7: Read Chapters 13 and 14

Complete Activity 12: Grown-up Children
Think of yourself a year ago.  How have you changed?  What caused you to change?  What difference does a year make?

Day 8: Read Chapters 15, 16, and 17

Complete Activity 16: Tomorrow in Glenbard 
The author ends the The Girl Who Owned a City in a way that suggests a sequal could follow.  For example, the King of Chicago is mentioned.  He may be a powerful figure who could destroy the city of Glenbard.  Also, there are many more changes that could be made that would make life easier for the citizens of Glendbard.  Write the first chapter of a sequal.  Complete Activity 16 to help with some brainstorming.  

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