
Alice In Wonderland Character Zine



Step 1
Learn about what a zine is

Step 2
Have a look at some online zines about science
Click HERE .........and HERE

Learn how to make a Zine

Step 3
Open Folding Instructions at the bottom of this page and save into your folder.

Step 4
Print out 5W's Poem plan at the bottom of this page and use it to write a poem about you character

Step 5
Print out Venn Diagram to help you think about your character and you- print out Venn Diagram at the bottom of this page and fill in.

Step 6
Open Template  1 at the bottom of this page and print out and fill in as a plan for the character you have chosen.
In each of the numbered square fill in by number.  Remember this is your draft. It will need to be checked by me before you start on your good copy.  A zine needs to include drawings and pictures- save these for your good copy.

1.     The name of the character- you will also draw a picture in the final copy

2.     What the character looks like- you need to describe them using interesting adjectives

3.     What does the character ‘do’ in the story- what is their purpose in the story.

4.     What are their surroundings like-eg If you chose the caterpillar you would describe the mushroom and what it looks like around it.

5.     What is a memorable thing the character says that will help us understand them.

6.     A 5W’s Poem about your character

7.     What you like best about your character and why

8.     How is the character like you.  This needs to be a paragraph of writing


Step 7
Open Template 2 at the bottom of the page and print out for your final copy.

Step 8
You may print out ONE page only of images you have selected from the internet.  Look at this website or Google search your own and save the images you like.  Insert them into a ONE page Word document and you can print this out to use.  These pictures you will cut up and paste into your final Zine.


All writing in Zine needs to be BEST HANDWRITING!

Step 9
Follow the folding instructions you saved earlier and make your zine.  You may make 5 photocopies of your Zine to share with others- one needs to come to me.  You must show me your Zine before you photo copy

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