
Controlling Your Budget And Examining The Design



Divide yourselves in groups of four students.

  • The new construction workers on the neighboring street have a problem in deciding how much water to order for the new buildings. Their water reservoirs have the shape of rectangular prisms. They are asking you to calculate how many meters-cubed of water are needed in all of their 3 water tanks. You are required to go over to the newly built building and measure the dimensions of the tanks. Then write them down on the following Excel sheet. After measuring the dimensions, you need to calculate the volume in the tanks in order to find the amount of water to order. Use the EXCEL file to fill in the values.
  • This company’s water budget is $20,500. Knowing that each meter-cubed of water costs $30, is their budget enough? If not, you need to come up with a way to solve their problem. Refer to the WORD file to include answers related to the above questions.


Now that you’ve helped the construction company, the second grade teacher needs you. Each one of you will pair up with one second-grade student. You will go to the new neighboring apartments that were built by the construction company you helped. You will walk around these newly furnished homes and identify the geometrical shapes to your fellow partner. Use the  POWERPOINT file as a resource for you to answer your questions.



For your final task, which I believe will be the most exciting, you need to actually build your own geometric figures! When you’re done, I’d like you to prepare a brochure, in which each page is dedicated to one figure. On each page, I’d like you to briefly describe how this shape is used in our lives, and then the formulas of how to compute the volume of each shape. Use the POWERPOINT file as a resource to help you make the brochure. Then, follow the websites to learn to build your own cube and tetrahedron.



http://www.learner.org/interactives/geometry/area.html (follow the tabs on surface area)



  • File
    Description: Answer the questions concerning the price of water needed

  • File
    Description: Use this File to write the names of the geometric shapes that you saw at the new building. Use the last 6 slides to help you in your brochure.

  • File
    Description: Use this file to fill in the dimensions of the water tanks and then compute the volumes

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