
Universal Design for Learning



Step One

  1. A brief overview of the principles of Universal Design (UD) is included in this flyer.  Review it to begin your quest. 
  2.  Now, read one or two of the other documents from the Center for Universal Design at North Carolina State University.
  3. Put on your walking shoes, because you are going to visit the traveling exhibit, Unlimited by Design.  Check out some of the many different items you see everyday that are designed to be used by the widest possible population.  You may be surprised at the UD principles that are behind them.  Several unique new items are also displayed, so have fun exploring! 
  4. Scroll halfway down this website and study the Accessibility Triangle.  Using the diagram and what have learned about Universal Design, briefly predict how Universal Design principles can be applied to meet diverse needs in the classroom.
Step Two
  1. View this video entitled UDL at a Glance.  As a team, jot down 3-5 questions you have about the video.  As you continue to explore, record the answers you find. 
  2. For a short description and definition of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), click here.  Explore the resources located on this page to learn why UDL is an important component of any classroom.
  3. Download and examine the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines.  Discuss the implications of these guidelines with your team members.  
  4. Further delve into the Guidelines by either walking through each principle using these websites (Principle I, Principle II, Principle III) or by downloading and reading the document attached as Resource 11 below.  
Step Three
  1. View the video entitled Implementing UDL.  List the applications of UDL you observe in the video. 
  2. Explore this website for more ideas on how to apply UDL principles in classroom settings.  Pay special attention to the strengths and weaknesses of these Common Teaching Methods.  
  3. Explore these UDL Tools with a partner and discuss the applications.    
Step Four
  1. View the video segments that are part of the CAST UDL Lesson Builder before you begin adapting your current lesson plans to include UDL principles.  
  2. Using either the new CAST UDL Lesson Builder or your own format, rewrite the lesson(s) you brought with you, adding elements to provide for multiple means of representation, engagement, action, and expression.  Use appropriate technology to broaden access to curriculum.  
  3. Exchange lessons with another team and evaluate for elements of UDL.  Provide feedback in a plus/delta format before returning. 
  4. Finally, using Wordle or Glogster, create a word cloud summary or interactive poster of your team's understanding of UDL.  Publish and print your word cloud, and identify one way in which the Wordle or Glogster applets could be used in your classroom as a UDL tool. 

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