
Ancient Egypt



Here are your directions to begin your journey:

1.  In order to make your supply list, you must determine what you will need, such as food, clothing, transportation.  After referring to the website http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/egypt/,make a list, in your journal, of as many as six items that you will need to take on your journey. 

2.  Using the link http://www.ancient-egypt.org/, choose two sites of Ancient Egypt that you plan to visit.  In your journal, write a detailed description of each site.

3.  Go to http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Homework/egypt/mummies.htm and learn about mummies.  Get familar with the mummification process.  In your journal, write down the step-by-step process.  You can draw pictures to depict the process.

4.  Visit this website about the Pyramids of Giza: http://funsocialstudies.learninghaven.com/articles/great_pyramid_at_giza_1.htm. Discover the wonders of this great pyramid and write four interesting facts about it in your journal.  If you helped to build the Pramid of Giza, what job would you have wanted to have?  Write your response in your journal.

5.  Using this link, http://www.seaworld.org/fun-zone/fun-guides/egypt/pyramid-power.htm, explore the different types of pyramids and record them in your journal.

6.  Looking for a pharaoh and queen.  Using the link http://www.kingtutone.com/pharaohs/, choose an Ancient Egyptian pharaoh.  Describe the pharaoh's life in Ancient Egypt, including how long they reigned as king, wife, children, etc.  Once you have your king, go to http://www.kingtutone.com/queens/ and find your queen.  Repeat the process used for your pharaoh.  Feel free to print out pictures to accompany your descriptions.

7.  Check out the Egyptian form of writing called hieroglyphics at http://www.ancient-egypt-online.com/cartouche-hieroglyphics.html.  After learning more about this, go to http://www.virtual-egypt.com/newhtml/glyph/glyph.html, type in your name, and make your own cartouche with your name on it.  Print it out and add it to your journal.


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