
Ocean Habitats



Step 1: Learn about the zones of the ocean!

Today you are going to investigate the three ocean zones: the sunlight (or sunlit) zone, the twilight zone, and the midnight zone.

  1. Watch the BrainPop, Jr. Video (click on link #1 in resources) and then take the online easy quiz. If you get 4 or 5 correct, you are ready  to investigate further.
  2. Next, complete the Ocean Zones Worksheet. Your teacher will give it to you.
  3. Which zone is most interesting to you? Learn more about the animals of each zone by visiting animals in each of the zones. You can find them in links #2, #3, and #4 in resources .
Step 2: Learn about two habitats in the sunlit zone!

Today you are going to compare two different  ocean habitats in the sunlit zone, a kelp forest and a coral reef.

  1. Your teacher will provide you with an organizer. Take notes while you complete steps 2, 3, and 4.
  2. Read about a coral reef (link #5) and a kelp forest (link #6).
  3. Watch the videos
  4. Study the coral reef and kelp forest posters posted on the smartboard. Your teacher will send you the link.
  5. Complete the organizer!
Step 3: Learn about life in the twilight and midnight zones!

Today you are going to examine the creatures that live in the darker parts of the ocean. What adaptations allow them to survive there?
  1. Visit the Creatures of the Deep Sea website (Link #9 in resources). Look at some of the interesting animals that live there.
  2. What is bio-luminescence? Discuss your idea with at least two other classmates.
  3. Visit Resources #3 and #4 again.
  4. Using black or blue construction paper and poster crayons, create an illustration of your favorite deep sea creature. Write two interesting facts about the creature on white paper and glue it to your illustration.

Step 4: Learn how humans have changed the oceans.

Today you are going to explain how humans have changed life in the oceans.
  1. How can an oil spill affect ocean habitats? Conduct an oil spill investigation using water, oil, a napkin and a feather. Your teacher will provide the materials and the worksheet.
  2. What is marine debris? Learn more about ocean pollution by visiting link #10.

Step 5: Create an original piece of work that brings it all together.

Today you are going to apply what you have learned by making a poster.

  1. Answer the questions below. The responses you give will provide you with the words you need to make your poster! You should use laptop so you can copy and paste later, and please use complete sentences.
  2. More about kelp forest animals are on link #11. More about coral reef animals are on link #12. If you like the aminals of the darker zones of the ocean, go back to link #9.
  3. Use wordle or glogster to create a virtual poster of your reflection, or make a poster on paper! Wordle is link #13.
  • My favorite ocean habitat is...because...
  • (Name of Habitat) are ocean habitats that...(describe habitat)
  • Some  interesting organisms that survive in (name of habitat)  are...because
  • Some new words I learned about ocean habitats are.....which means..... and
  • Humans change ocean habitats when they...
  • I can help ocean habitats stay healthy by...

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