
The Life of Immigrants


In the 1600's European settlers migrated to America for religious freedom.  In the mid 1800's other Europeans from Sweden, Germany and Ireland came to America to escape poverty and famine.  Today immigrants from Mexico and other Latin American countries are coming to America to find jobs and support their families.  Life for immigrants has not always been easy and they have not always been welcomed.

You will write a story describing the life of an immigrant who has come to America. Write the story in first person as though you are the immigrant telling the story.  You may be one the European settlers from the 1600's, or an the immigrant who came in the 1800's or an immigrant who recently crossed the border  from Latin America.  Your story should include what your trip or voyage was like to get here, what your living and working conditions are, and what is life like for your family. Include the vocabulary words in your story.

Resources or materials:  You may use the internet or books to research your paper.

Language Arts:  You need to use complete sentences, accurate puncuation, grammar and spelling.

Vocabulary:  poverty, famine, immigrant, prejudice

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