
Religions of the World!


Your job is to:

1. Explore each link and fill in your Religion Matrix with the information that you find.

2. Stay on task and finish your part of the matrix for each section.

3. Ask for help if you get stuck.

DAY 2:

1. The sacred text (book) they read for guidance:
a. What is the title?

b. Is there more than one text they consider sacred?

          c. What is the text made up of? (For example: Chapters, Sections, Multiple books within).

          d. Who wrote it?

          e. How old is this text? (For example: This can be a an actual year, or an estimation from historians).

2.   The sacred places where they worship:


  a. What is the name of the building they worship in?

        b. Are there rituals or ceremonies they must participate in, in order to worship in these places?

        c. What are the names of the places that are most sacred to them?

3. Sacred Rituals and Ceremonies:

a. What rituals or ceremonies do they participate in?

b.  What do these rituals and ceremonies mean to their belief and worship? (e.g. Why do people participate in these rituals or ceremonies?)

4. Symbols of the Religion:

a. What symbol is associated with the symbol?

b. What do these symbols mean?

All information for Day 2 Can be found on these sites:

Information Websites:

Buddhism for Middle School Students

Buddhism by Kids for Kids

Introduction to Buddhism

All About Buddhism

All About Buddhist Sacred Sites




 Graphics and Video Links:

The Middle Way- Buddhism  Film

Summary of Buddhism- Film

Way of Life- Buddhism Film

Spread of Buddhism Video


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