
Latitude & Longitude

Task #3


Way to go! You've already finished Task #2!

Now, in Task #3, you'll have more practice at finding points on a map by using coordinates.

To complete this Task, you will need a pencil, eraser, a coloured pencil crayon, and a ruler.

Using the Map of the World - Task 3 worksheet given to you, plot the following coordinates on the map. Use your ruler to help find the coordinates and the pencil crayon to put a dot on the correct coordinates:

     a) 40oN - 90W
     b) 52oN - 2oW
     c) 5oN - 45oE
     d) 23oS - 45oE
     e) 44oS - 170oE
     f) 65oN - 170oW
     g) 49oN - 99oW
     h) 20oN - 80oW
     i) 55oS - 70oW
     j) 70oN - 40oW

When you are finished, use another Map of the World and, with a partner, create coordinates of your own that you and your partner need to find!


Task #3 Instructions

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