
Medical Team - Care for Patient




Use the Internet information links below to answer these questions specifically related to the Physician:

1. Research the condition, disorder and/or symptoms that your patient is suffering from or experiencing. What are all the possible first signs/symptoms? Explain why these symptoms are occurring (cause of disease/condition).
2. Before you can begin treatment, you probably will have several questions for the patient. What are some of these questions? How will the answers help you and your project partner?
3. What kind of diagnostic testing will you need the patient to undergo to confirm your suspicions? A brief description of the testing is sufficient.
4. Not all patients will follow your advice. What are some long-term consequences that your patient may experience if they do not change their lifestyle?
5. Are there any medications you will have to prescribe for your patient? If so, what? And what does the medication do for the patient?
6. Upon completion of your research, you will collaborate with your team dietician to formulate a plan that will treat and hopefully cure or alleviate this disease or condition.


Web Link
  • Merck & Co.
    Description: Section 1 deals specifically with nutritional disorders.

Web Link
  • Health Finder
    Description: U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources

Web Link
  • Mayo Clinic
    Description: Find information on hundreds of conditions.

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