
Latitude & Longitude

Task #2


During Task #2, you will practice finding points on a map by using coordinates. Remember what you've learned during Task #1? The three steps to finding coordinates on a map are:

1) Begin at the point where the equator and the prime meridian intersect.
2) Move north (up) or south (down) the indicated number of degrees.
3) From that point while still on the prime meridian, move west (left) or east (right) the correct number of degrees.

To complete this Task, you will need a pencil, eraser, red pencil crayon, and a ruler.

Using the Map of the World - Task #2 given to you, plot the following coordinates on the map. Use your ruler to help find the coordinates and then LIGHTLY place a dot with a coloured pencil crayon on the correct coordinates:

     a) 50oN - 100E
     b) 30oS - 25oE
     c) 20oN - 80oE
     d) 40oN - 140oE
     e) 35oS - 150oE
     f) 20oN - 160oW
     g) 52oN - 123oW
     h) 38oN - 123oW
     i) 44oN - 81oW
     j) 38oS - 60oW

When you are finished, use another Map of the World and, with a partner, create coordinates of your own that you and your partner need to find!


Task #2 Instructions

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