
Mission of the CSS Kamloops

Mission #3: The Project


WELCOME HOME! You must be exhausted after such an intense trip around our vast solar system! By now you are practically an expert on the planets and other stellar objects that orbit our Sun.

Take a look at the video below to see the CSS Kamloops land!

Mission #3: Final Project

Your final mission is to create a travel brochure for one of the planets that you have visited. These are the parts you must include in your brochure (feel free to add more--use your creativity!):

There are 6 parts in all:

-Front page:
     *Draw a picture of your planet and add a
       (with the planet's "nickname
") that would capture
       your audience's attention.

-Inside left flap:
     *Write a
creative paragraph of the planet's location
       in the solar system and its
orbit around its neighbors
       in space.
     *Include a picture and caption of the description.

Inside middle flap:
     *Write a
creative paragraph about your planet's
       physical characteristics/traits/landforms.

     *A picture and caption of the description.

-Inside right flap:
     *Write a
creative paragraph about your planet's
and atmosphere.
Include a picture and caption of the description.

-Back left flap:
     *Write a
creative paragraph about the origin of
       your planet's name (where it came from)

     * Include a picture and caption of your interpretation
       (inference) of the character it's named after.

Back middle flap:
     *A list of
six quick facts that you gathered in your
       Planetary Journal.

Present your Project

Present your project to the class to share the information you've gathered.


Description: Space Shuttle Landing

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