
Mission of the CSS Kamloops



The following Evaluation Rubric is only for Mission #3: The Brochure Project


# Beginning Developing Good Excellent Score
Completion I only completed 1-2 parts of the brochure. I only completed 3-4 parts of the brochure. I completed 5 parts of the brochure. I completed all 6 parts of the brochure. %10
Information I did not provide enough information about my planet. I provided information about my planet, but I needed more. I provided a good amount of information about my planet. I provided a lot of information about my planet and extra facts that I added on my own. %30
Effort My project is rushed and messy. It has less than half of the required information that I was suppose to research. My project is half neat and half messy. It has half of the required information I was suppose to research. My project is neat. It has most to all of the required information I was suppose to research. It may have extra information. My project is extremely neat. I even put my own, unique (special) touches on it. It has all of the required information I was suppose to research AND extra information. %30
Presentation I chose not to give a presentation. OR I wasn't well prepared because I only shared a tiny bit of my research information. I could barely answer any of my classmates' questions. I was somewhat prepared for my presentation. I shared some of my research information. I could answer some of the questions my classmates asked. I was prepared for my presentation. I shared most to all of my research information. I could answer most questions that my classmates asked. I may have included some extra facts in my presentation. I was extremely well prepared for my presentation. I shared all of my research information and my inferences. I also included extra information that I found. I could answer all of my classmates' questions. %30

Total Score: %100

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