
Rock Through The Rock Cycle !!!


Mr. Wii is so excited you are making such great progress! He cannot wait until you finish the game and he takes you home through his secret cavern of gigantic priceless crystals!!!

Step 6: Start Your Research

In this step you will individually research the material you are responsible for in Step 3.

**********Work on your other jobs while your group members are completing their research**********

***See the very bottom of this page for a refresher on your job descriptions and the websites for the templates***

Use the links provided for each number to gather your research and make your questions and answers. 

  • Researcher A: 
  1. Intrusive igneous rocks- How fast do they cool?
  2. Extrusive igneous rocks- Where are they formed?
  3. Lava
  4. Obsidian
  5. Formation of igneous rock
  6. Cemented
  7. Heat from pressure
  8. Mineral- definition
  9. Sediments and layers
  10. How is obsidian formed?
  11. What does granite look like?
  12. Is welded tuff intrusive or extrusive?
  13. What minerals make up rhyolite?
  14. What type of grain does basalt have?

          # 1-3  http://easyscienceforkids.com/all-about-igneous-rocks/

          #4   http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/earth/igneousrocks.html

          # 5- 7   http://www.cotf.edu/ete/modules/msese/earthsysflr/rock.html

          # 8- 9   http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/earth/rocksandminerals.html

          # 10- 14   http://geology.com/rocks/igneous-rocks.shtml

  • Researcher B: 
  1. Intrusive igneous rocks- What kind of grains do they have?
  2. Extrusive igneous rocks- Is it made from lava or magma?
  3. Magma
  4. Granite
  5. Formation of sedimentary rock
  6. Baked rock
  7. Friction
  8. Rock- definition
  9. Human's use of rocks
  10. How is scoria formed?
  11. What does rhyolite look like?
  12. Is obsidian intrusive or extrusive?
  13. Is pumice intrusive or extrusive?
  14. What minerals does granite contain?

          # 1- 3   http://easyscienceforkids.com/all-about-igneous-rocks/

  • Researcher C:
  1. Intrusive igneous rocks- Where are they formed?
  2. Extrusive igneous rocks- What kind of grains do they have?
  3. Mantle
  4. Pumice
  5. Formation of magma
  6. Sediments
  7. Radioactive decay
  8. Mineral- physical properties
  9. Mohs scale
  10. What does obsidian look like?
  11. What does basalt look like?
  12. Is scoria intrusive or extrusive?
  13. Is rhyolite intrusive or extrusive?
  14. What type of grain does granite have?

          # 1- 3  http://easyscienceforkids.com/all-about-igneous-rocks/

  • Researcher D:
  1. Intrusive igneous rocks- Is it made from lava or magma?
  2. Extrusive igneous rocks- How fast do they cool?
  3. Igneous
  4. Tuff
  5. Formation of metamorphic rock
  6. Wind and water
  7. Tectonic plates
  8. Three main types of rock
  9. Diamond
  10. What does scoria look like?
  11. What does pumice look like?
  12. Is granite intrusive or extrusive?
  13. Is basalt intrusive or extrusive?
  14. What type of grain does rhyolite have?

          # 1- 3  http://easyscienceforkids.com/all-about-igneous-rocks/

After you have gathered your information, make a list of your questions. Write them down neatly on a card template and give them to the Reader. You will then help the others in your group finish what they are doing.

Click on "Step 7: Almost Home" when you are finished with this step.

Job Descriptions:

  •  Engineer- Your job as the engineer is to work with Artist #1 to print out the game board template, and the template(s) for your game piece(s). After this is done, you will cut and glue the game board template on a piece of poster board. Draw the border around the game that your group has decided on. Ask Artist #1 to check the border you have drawn before you start to cut the poster board. Cut the poster board around the border of your game. You will also make the game piece(s) for your game after Artist #1 has decorated them. Once you have finished these tasks, you can help Artist #2 print, cut, and/or glue the cards. You can also help the Photographer.  Look at Artist #1's Job description for the templates you will be using. You can start working now. 
  • Artist #1- Your job is to decorate the game board and the pieces for your game. Work with the Engineer in your group to print out the game board and any game pieces you will be using (use the templates your group decided on). Decorate the game pieces before the Engineer puts them together (Do this while the Engineer is gluing and cutting the game on the poster board). Work with the Photographer to incorporate pictures on your game board. Start working on this as soon as your group has made it's final decisions about your game and the record keeper has made a of record them.
Game boards:
  • Artist #2- Your job is to make the game cards for your game. Print out your blank cards, using the template your group decided on. Work with the Photographer to incorporate pictures on your cards. Make the design (or designs) your group decided on for the back of the cards and print them out if the design is not already on your blank cards. Cut out the cards. Cut out and glue on the back of the cards. If you are coloring the cards, then you can color them. When everyone is finished with their questions and answers and the Reader has printed them out or has proofread what everyone has written by hand, get everyone in the group to help cut them out and glue them on to the front of the cards. Start working on this as soon as your group has made it's final decisions about your game and the record keeper has made a record of them.
Game cards:
  • Photographer- Your job will be to gather pictures that will be used for your game. Make sure the pictures follow the theme, "The Rock Cycle." Work with Artist #1 and Artist  #2  in your group to incorporate the pictures. Cut out pictures from Mrs. Wii's huge collection of old magazines. You can also find and print out pictures on the Internet. When you have finished the above tasks, you may help out Artist #1 and Artist #2. Start working on this as soon as your group has made it's final decisions about your game and the record keeper has made a record of them.
  • Reader- Your job as the reader is to read and understand the directions for this project. You will make sure everyone in your group understands the directions. Another job description of this job is proofreading. You will be responsible to proofread everything that is written in the game (rules, game cards, game board, etc.) before it is completed and turned in. If your group decides to print out and glue the questions and answers to the cards, then it is your responsibility to do this. You can start working now. Make sure you proofread everything as soon as it is completed.
  • Monitor- Your job is to make sure that everyone in the group contributes and stays on task. You also have the responsibility to make sure that everyone has all of the materials they need to complete their task (examples: glue, ruler, crayons, markers, scissors, materials listed on Sheet 7, etc...) Start working on this now!!
  • Rule writer- Your job is to make the rule sheet. Start working on this as soon as your group has made it's final decisions about your game and the record keeper has made a record of them.

Examples of Rules from other games:

  • Record keeper- Your job is to make a list of everyone's responsibilities. You also are responsible for making a detailed recording of all of the decisions your group makes for the game. Mrs. Wii will provide you with your Record Keeper's sheet. Make sure you have the sheet from her and; Start working on this now!!



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