
Integers Investigator Webquest

____/ 2.5    Section1: Coordinate Plane

                   * ½ a point for a brief description and ranking of each game

____/ 5       Section2: History of Negative Integers

                   * 1 point for each question with a proper response

____/ 4       Section3: Rules of Negative Integers

                   * 1 point for each question with a proper response

____/ 3       Section4: Integers and Everyday Life

                   * 1 point for each instance and description

____/ 3       Section5: Real Life Word Problems

                   * 1 point for each word problem with solution given

____/ 2.5    Section6: Practice with Integers

*½ a point for a brief description and ranking of each game


____/ 20     Total

Evaluation Rubric


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