


"The RAMS Way" Philosophy

There is not Athletics without Academics.

You must Conceive and Believe before you Achieve.

Get out of yourself and into the Team.

Being prepared and being in the right place at the right time equals luck.

Champions are made in the off season in the weight room!

Every time we think of championships; stop.  Instead, think of what you have to do to dominate your opponent.

Our Principal and Administration support our team and we need to appreciate them.

Every day you have an opportunity to get better; study your play book!

We are the Leaders of Southern High School; We show Respect to our Teachers & Coaches.

Success is NOT the Offensive scheme.....   Success is Belief, Knowing, Practicing, and Execution of the Offensive Scheme!

Success is NOT the Defensive scheme.....   Success is Believing, Knowing, Practicing, and Executing the Defensive Scheme!

In order to accomplish something you have never done, YOU must do what you have never done!

There is no i in team, but there is an i in win. - "Individual Responsibility"

We will not allow the disease of "me".

The opponent should never determine your level of competitive spirit.

You may not always get what you want, but you always get what you deserve.

Resiliency allows a team to overcome mistakes.

Teams who work together often end up lucky.

Mistakes will happen.  Learn but do not dwell on them.

We the Football team support every other Southern High School sports team.

Lessons will be learned from success and failure.

High School Football, like no other sport, requires the student/athletes to win a Playoff birth.

We simply focus on the process of becoming champions.

Champions take an attitude of dominance everywhere they go.

Success is never final and failure is never fatal.

The process is much more important than the result. 

We don't spend our time in the weight room, we invest it. 

Quitters NEVER win and Winners NEVER Quit!

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