
A Journey with Polygons



Polygons are many-sided figures, with sides that are line segments. Polygons are named according to the number of sides and angles they have. The most familiar polygons are the triangle, the rectangle, and the square. A regular polygon is one that has equal sides. Polygons also have diagonals, which are segments that join two vertices and are not sides.

Types of Polygons:

3 sides - Triangle.                                                                 
4 sides - Quadrilateral.
5 sides - Pentagon.
6 sides - Hexagon.
7 sides - Heptagon.
8 sides - Octagon.
9 sides - Nonagon.
10 sides - Decagon

In this WebQuest students will be learning about the different types of polygon, their names and associate them in real life situation.  Students will be actively drawing and identifying polygons in our environment. They will also learn about the properties of the different polygons and how to distinguish between regular, irregular and non-polygons.

I do hope that as you interact with this WebQuest, you will garnered and wealth of knowledge about polygons and share with each others.

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