
An Adorable " Passive Voice" Menu



The previous meeting, we learnt about Passive Voice. In this section, I am going to review the explanation so please, pay attention !!!!

Passive Voice in (+), (-) & (?)

Passive Voice in Question Words

Passive Voice in Modal Auxiliary
1. The minister is guarded by policemen.
1. By whom is denied his apologize?
1. Must I be fascinated by him who sits in the corner class ?
2. The criminals have been alienated at Nusakambangan.
2. Who was being had being built new cinema near police office ?
2. Some years ago, some certificate might be falsified by unknown person.
3. Those cases were not being bestowed at Judiciary.
3. Which wells had being dug by them ?
3. These events could not cluttered by their supporters on the stage.
4. Some reporters had not been humiliated by audience in forum
4. Why will their reasons be accepted by our managers ?
4. Will artist be admonished by netizen because of their attitude on new movies?
5.  Have these road been being obstructed by demonstran ?
5. Where have many kinds of plastics been produced by the factory?
5. Do Shenia have to be adored by men in her campus?

Okeey Guys.... That is the explanation. If you all feel confused about them, I have something special. check this out !!!!


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