
Stroke Education for New Grad Nurses



This WebQuest is designed to educate you as a newly graduated nurses on the topic of strokes so that you can be better prepared to care for and educate both patients and their family members who have been affected by a cerebrovascular accident (CVA). Over the course of this online adventure each of you will learn more about causes of the different types of strokes and how these manifest both physically and psychologically. You will also discover different types of treatments, both immediate and long-term. You will also be able to teach your patients ways in which they can minimize their chance of stroke.

You, as the nurse, are part of a team that will support the patients and their loved ones during their hospitalization, but you will also be responsible for helping them to help them build a foundation on which to continue to care for themselves and their family members during the challenging transition home. Strokes can be life changing events, but they don't always have to be devastating. The healthcare team through hard work, education and quality care can help many CVA patients back to their feet and although the road is long, it is not impossibly so. 

By the end of this webquest, new nurses should be able to: 

1) define a stroke

2) differentiate between the types of strokes

3) know the signs and symptoms of strokes

4) be aware of the treatment modalities for strokes

5) know how to prevent strokes

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