


Most of us know about Rosa Parks, and how she would't give us her bus seat to a white man, but what more have we learned about other than that? Did we learn about the discrimination and segregation that occurred before this point and ultimately what lead up to the life changing moment in history? Have you been taught what has happened since her moment of bravery on that bus in Montgomery, Alabama? You are all now beginning to think about bits and pieces you remember from history classes, but I want you all to now dive deeper!

For this project you will all be placed into groups of three, and yes I will be choosing the groups! In each of your groups you will be assigned one out of three roles, you will be either the journalist, recorder, or the researcher. Every person in their job will have an individual task to complete each day, and before leaving for the day you will share with your group mates what you accomplished during the class period. We will work on this project for three days in the classroom and/or the computer lab. On the fourth day of our week we will return to the classroom with the expectation that everything is printed off and ready to be put onto their board. I will provide the students with a presentation board, construction paper, scissors, and all other materials to complete this project. Finally on the last day of our week each group will have a chance to present their project and findings to the class as a whole. The students will then be graded on their presentation and their projects, but each student will be evaluated separately based upon their specific tasks throughout the week. 

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