
Geometry WebQuest



Duringmath class, you may have asked yourself or a teacher, “When am I ever going to use thisoutside of school?” Instead of accepting a long speech of how many applicationsthere are in the real-world, let’s dive in and take one on!

Geometryprovides many points of entry in the real-world applications. For instance,calculating volume helps the fire department determine how much water is leftin there truck to put out a fire, determining general surface area helps iscutting the right amount of wrapping paper for wrapping presents, and usingPythagorean Theorem helps a carpenter lay down and build staircases that standlevel and strong.

Today,your job is to investigate the unique features of congruent triangles!Triangles were some of the earliest geometric shapes that were studied duringancient civilization times. Your investigation will lead you to proving how congruence of triangles matters in architecture today.

Now, startyour investigation!

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