


Many of you have probably never realized just how much math takes place in our everyday life.  From going to the store to buy groceries to even just paying your cell phone bill, math and numbers take place in nearly every aspect of our lives.  But what about sports?  How many of you have ever been to a baseball, basketball, or maybe a football game?  Is it possible for math to be used during these sports activities?  Sports use math and numbers just about as much as any other daily activity you do.  Here's the drop, you've just won 2 tickets to attend the Super Bowl from a local radio station.  Your seats are 5 rows from the end zone field goal.  You're very excited to experience the whole game so close up.  On your way to your seat, you buy a program guide that cost you $25.  Inside the program is a scorecard.  You have been studying mean in your math class.  You think that mean has something to do with average.  So you decide to keep score and learn about averages in football and hopefully your teacher will give you extra credit for returning with the information.

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