
Bike Safety



      Do you remember the first time you got on a bike for the very first time; or do you remember your parents telling you all the safety tips of riding a bike. Today, you will be going through all the main safety tips of bike safety. We will be going over the basics of a bike, so very general information on riding, safety, and certain parts of a bike. Next, we will show you the preparations and rules of riding the bike; this will show you what to do before getting on the bike. There are rules to the road that every biker should know and obtain. There is no way to ride a bike if it is not correctly maintained. You need to make sure that every single little part is okay for you to go on your biking journey. 

       You will watch a video on the best helmet to wear while biking, snowboarding, skating, and see which helmet does the best throughout the melon test. . The best way to get from A to B is a straight line or the shortest route possible. You will figure out the shortest route on the activity sheet by adding miles on the road. Yes! you will be doing math so get your brain ready.  

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