
Feelings and Emotions



Our brain has two parts. One is the 'thinking' brain, while the other is the 'emotional' brain. The thinking brain (pictured above on the left) is called the cerebrum. The emotional brain (pictured above on the right) is called the limbic system. We call our thinking brain 'rational' or 'conscious.' We say rational because our brain analyzes, makes decisions, uses logic, and makes judgments. These are all rational processes. We say conscious, because we are aware of every step in the thinking process. The call our emotional brain ‘irrational’ or ‘unconscious.’ We say irrational because there is no thought involved, only perception. We say unconscious because we are not aware of the processes in our emotional brain, only the outcomes. The outcomes are feelings and emotions

In this lesson, we will explore how feelings and emotions are created and how they affect how we think.

Seethe Process.

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