
Unit 4: Age of Revolution




STEP 1- In Google Drive  Open --> 2nd Quarter --> Unit 4 --> French Revolution

STEP 2- Complete & Answer questions below in your  French Revolution document on GOOGLE DRIVE.

Use CLASS CODE- febfcd when logging onto playposit to watch the video in Source 1

Source 1: VIDEO The French Revolution 
1.) Watch the video and record and answer all questions on your own paper. 

Source 2: VIDEO Reign of Terror: The French Revolution: Part III

2.) Explain the irony of the French Revolution.

3.) What were some of the democratic ideals to be put into practice by the leaders of France during the Reign of Terror? What happened instead?

4.) What were the motives behind the violence during the Reign of Terror?

You might need to review Source 3 to help you answer #5-7)

5.) Why did Maximilien Robespierre's radicalism eventually lead to his downfall? 

6.) What is the irony behind his quote on individual rights when compared to his actions during the Reign of Terror.

7.) How many people died during the reign of terror?

Source 5: Website- Guillotine (Review the image and caption)

8.) Why was the Guillotine come to symbolize the Reign of Terror?

9.) In what ways did the invention of the guillotine symbolize the ideals behind the Scientific Revolution and subsequent Age of Enlightenment?

Source 6: Phase 3 of the Revolution: Directory to Consulate (scroll down to Phase 3 of the Revolution)

10.) What was the Directory?

11.) Give two reasons as why France chose to be led by the Directory?

12.) Why was Napoleon successful in his coup over the Directory and establishing himself as the absolute ruler over France?


Defend this statement: The Reign of Terror helped bring Napoleon to power.

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