
What Makes a Good Teacher?



Dear students,

You are going to become teachers very soon and you will have one of the most important jobs in the world. You will have a unique chance to make a difference, mold young minds and inspire your students toward excellence and greatness.  To be a truly great teacher, a passion and enthusiasm must be in your heart and you should be able to transfer it to your students, excite them about learning and try to plant the seeds for a love of life-long learning in their souls. Do you think you are ready for the challenge?

Most of us had at least one good teacher who shaped our thoughts and made a long-lasting impact on our lives. The lessons of a great teacher will remain in ones' soul forever. 

So, what really makes a good teacher? When we talk about the quality of someone's teaching, we take into account many things like knowledge, techniques, content, presentation, etc., but what counts even more is the teacher's attitude towards his students, his subject and his work. There are teachers who have extraordinary knowledge but are simply unable to convey it to their students.  A good teacher should be able to help his students make connections between their current education and future possibilities.

There are some teaching practices that have stood the test of time and proven to be effective and beneficial to students. Take the time to do some research with your classmates and determine what are the basic qualities that each good teacher should have. Have a brief discussion and organize your findings and ideas to make a PowerPoint presentation to the class.

Good luck! I look forward to hearing your presentations!

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