
Mr. T's Electricity Web Quest



It's  a stormy, Sunday night, and suddenly the electricity goes out at your house.  The house begins to get cold, so you light a candle and bundle up with more blankets.  You realize that you may not be able to wake up in the morning for school if the electricity does not come back on soon because your alarm clock doesn't work without electricity.  What about breakfast?  How will you cook without electricity?  I hope you like cold showers because without electricity there is no way to warm the water in the water heater.  

What comes to mind when you find yourself in sudden complete darkness?  Probably fear happens first!  However, when you see there is nothing to fear, you usually begin to have questions about electricity.  It's easy to forget how much we rely on electricity until we don't have the use of it.

Inquiry Questions:What can you learn from studying electricity?  Where does electricity come from?  How does electricity make your alarm clock, toaster, and water heater work?  That is what you will find out in this WebQuest.

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