
Learn About Family



A family is you and the people you feel comfortable with and belong. Everyone is part of a family. The word family is warm and fuzzy childhood memories, like coming home to milk and cookies. Your own family is the one you know best. Families are alike in some ways and are different in some ways. Families are special and share good times and bad times when living together. In science, the term "family" has come to be used as a means to classify groups of objects as being closely and exclusively related. In the study of animals it has been found that many species form groups that have similarities to human "family" often called "packs." Sexual relations among family members are regulated by rules concerning incest such as the incest taboo.


A father (or dad) is defined as a male parent

A mother (or mum/mom) is defined as a female parent

A cousin is a blood relative with whom a person shares one or more common ancestors

A nephew is a son of one's sibling, sibling-in-law, or half-sibling

A niece is a daughter of one's sibling, sibling-in-law, or half-sibling.

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