
Book Report: Dune



Dune is based about 9,000 years in the future, during a time in which humans have colonized planets throughout the universe. The main character, Paul, is the son of a Duke, named Leto, from the House of Atreides. The Duke Leto is given the opportunity to govern over a planet called Arrakis, which is full of a valuable resource called "spice" and so he decides to move there. While there, he discovers a plot dreamed up by Vladimir Harkonnen, the Baron of the House of Harkonnens, to attack the planet of Arrakis for their spice, and specifically the House of Atreides. Paul is almost killed during their attack, and escapes to live with a group of people called Fremen. As time goes on, he becomes there religious leader, and Paul helps them launch an attack on the Grand Emperor, who was secretly aiding the Harkonnens. In the end, Paul defeats the Emperor, and becomes the new Emperor.

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