
Digital Photography: Family Portrait



Digital cameras are becoming more and more popular, especially for classroom use.  They have many advantages:  pictures are immediately available, pictures are saved in graphic format, and they are easily transferred from the camera to the computer.

The purpose of this web page is to provide some ideas on how to use the digital camera in the classroom, and outside. Also give students information on how cameras work, and the basic concepts of amateur photography


First digital cameras were develop from the same technology that recorded television was using in 1951. These first crude attempt a recording information digitally were crude. The process was further brought along by the cold war and develop for the space race against Russia. They sent satellites up to survey the moons surface to map it for future reference also in 1960's they used similar satellites to spy on each other. The first camera that was actually a self function consumer camera was made in  1971 by Texas instruments. Soon after they were follow by waves of company wanted a piece of the new technology market. shorty after being made into a full consumer product digital cameras become more portable and affordable and eventually being about to store there own information. by the lat 90s they are compatible with computers and have been evolving ever since

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