
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Quadratics!



You will be evaluated in at least three different ways in your completion of the WebQuest and your use and application of the material.

(1) WebQuest Passport Completion: I will use the rubric shown below to evaluate your completion of this WebQuest Passport.

(2) Passport Quizzes: I will give you frequent brief quizzes that assess your completion and application of the material in the Passport. Here are sample questions from these quizzes. You MAY use your WebQuest to help you complete these quizzes.

Sample Quiz Questions
  • Describe one fact about a parabola that you have learned.
  • For the quadratic function y = x2 + 3x - 2, if x = 2, what is the value of y?
  • Write the URL for one internet source that provided you with a real-world application of quadratics.
  • Define: vertex of a parabola.
  • Describe the change in the graph of y = x2 - 2 compared to the graph of y = x2.

(3) Final Assessment: I will give you a final assessment that will include all information you’ve assembled in the Passport as well as your ability to use the internet to access and use additional related information. Sample questions from this final assessment are similar to the quiz questions shown above, plus the type shown below. You MAY use your WebQuest to help you complete this assessment and you’ll need internet access.

Sample Final Assessment Questions (in addition to those above)

  • Go to the Quadratic Formula Solver and enter a= 2, b= -4, and c= 1. What are the two values of x that appear? What do these represent? The solution also mentions the discriminant. What is that?


# Poor (0-2) Fair (3-5) Average (6-8) Exemplary (9-10) Score
Manage Time in Class Did not complete much of the packet during class time. Only some of the packet completed during class time. Most of the packet completed during class time. Virtually all of the packet completed during class time. 0-10
Participation and Cooperation Little or no contribution to partner effort. Off task for most of class time. Some contribution to partner effort. Off task some of class time. Adequate contribution to partner effort. On-task most of class time. Excellent contribution to partner effort. On task virtually all of class time. 0-10
Completion of WebQuest Passport No more than 1 or 2 pages completed. Responses show lack of effort and little thoughtfulness. No more than 3 or 4 pages completed. Responses show little effort and little thoughtfulness. Most pages are completed. Responses are thoughtful and reflective. All pages are complete. Responses are thoughtful, reflective, and complete. 0-10
Partners Presentation No effort was made to present your section. Presentation was made but showed little preparation nor organization. Content may have been inaccurately presented. Presentation repsonsibility not taken seriously. Presentation was appropriate and showed some preparation and organization. Some content may have been presented inaccurately. Presentation repsonsibility accepted but little effort put forth. Presentation was complete and showed exceptional preparation and organization. All content was presented accurately. Presentation repsonsibility accepted and significant effort put forth. 0-10

Total Score: 0-40

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