
The Art of Protest



Each complete webquest activity will be graded for depth of understanding, content, and/or creativity. 

2012 Due Dates:

April 18th - Project Workday (upstairs lab) - Step 1 due by end of class.  Participation credit based on work ethic

April 26th - Project Workday (upstairs lab) - Step 2 due by the end of class.  Participation credit based on work ethic.

April 27th - Project Workday (upstairs lab) - Step 3 due by end of class. Participation credit based on work ethic.

May 4th - Step 4 due by the BEGINNING of class. NOTE:  This is a regular class day, not a workday in the computer lab.

May 4th, 9th, 11th (or 10th TBA) - PRESENTATIONS:  ALL students must be ready to present on May 4th. Random numbers will be drawn to determine order of presentations. 

Students wishing to be receive an "A" on the project, must include a presentation of their original song, essay, or Pinterest project to the class. (Minimum length 15 minutes; maximum length 20 minutes.) Students wishing to earn a "B"  must report to the class an overview of their project (Minimum length 5 minutes--See Ryder for details.) Students wishing to receive a "C" do not need to present, but must complete their project by the assigned deadlines and receive at least a "C" on all portions.

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