
Poetry Scavenger Hunt



Use the rubric below  to evaluate your work. Please read and follow it carefully. This is the same rubric that I will use to assess your work.


# Beginning Good Well Developed Excellent Score
Following Directions Makes a minimal attempt to address each step. For example, incomplete graphic organizer, did not read all poems, did not finish presentation. Completed most steps in the directions including graphic organizer, additional research, and presentation. Completed all steps. Completed all steps thoroughly including reflection activity. 24
Research Visited some of the web sites and recorded some poet information for some of the poets. Visited all of the web sites and recorded some information for all poets. Visited all web sites, recorded at least five interesting facts for some poets. Visited all web sites, recorded at least five interesting facts for all poets, and completed further research using library resources using proper documentation. 28
Overall Presentation. Presentation is organized and visually appealing. Presentation is organized, visually appealing, and has smooth transitions. Presentation is organized, visually appealing,and has smooth transitions. Slides are not merely read, but additional information is given orally. Presentation is organized, visually appealing, and has smooth transitions. Slides are not merely read, but additional information is given orally and encourages audience participation. 24
Creativity Uses pictures to convey meaning. Uses pictures and audio to convey meaning. Uses pictures and audio to convey meaning in an interesting way. All elements work together to convey meaning and hold audience attention in an interesting or original way. 24

Total Score: 100

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