
The Skeleton




After studying the Skeleton System, complete two of the following activities in your small group.  Click on the following URL at the bottom of the page.  On the right-hand side of the page, complete Game 1 and Game 2 on this website.

  1. Begin the Skeleton Game Level 1.  Place the bones on the right side correctly where they go on the skeleton frame provided. Use the bones inside the boy as your guide. Pay close attention to where they go.  When you have completed Game 1, complete Game 2.
  2. In Skeleton Game Level 2 you will place the bones in the correct position on the skeleton without the aid of the bones on the body. Look back in your vocabulary notes if needed. Try to remember where you placed them previously.
  3. After completing games, take Skeleton Quiz and record your score on the grade sheet taped on the computer room door.  (sample attached below.)  Good Luck!
  4. Complete the PowerPoint Quiz below. Open and click on the Slide Show tab at the top of the page. Next click on the button Start Slide Show From Beginning.  Have fun!


# Exemplary Very Good Developing Beginning Score
Content/ Accuracy All content throughout the presentation is accurate. There are no factual errors. Most of the content is accurate but there is one piece of information that might be inaccurate. The content is generally accurate, but one piece of information is clearly flawed or inaccurate. Content is typically confusing or contains more than one factual error.
Spelling and Grammar Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors. Presentation has 1-2 misspellings, but no grammatical errors. Presentation has 1-2 grammatical errors but no misspellings. Presentation has more than 2 grammatical and/or spelling errors.
Cooperation Group delegates tasks and shares responsibility effectively all of the time. Group delegates tasks and shares responsibility effectively most of the time. Group delegates tasks and shares responsibility effectively some of the time. Group often is not effective in delegating tasks and/or sharing responsibility.
Effectiveness Project includes all material needed to gain a comfortable understanding of the topic. Project includes most material needed to gain a comfortable understanding of the material but is lacking one or two key elements. Project is missing more than two key elements. Project is lacking several key elements and has inaccuracies.

Total Score:


Web Link
  • Skeleton Game
    Description: This site provides practice for students to place the bones of the body in the correct position.

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WebQuest Hits: 761
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