
Animals and their habitats!



Your project will be evaluated based on:

Content: Accurate and detailed information about the animal and its habitat.
Creativity: Engaging and visually appealing presentation.
Teamwork: Effective collaboration and division of tasks within your group.
Presentation Skills: Clear and confident delivery of your findings.


# Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Needs Improvement (2) Score
Content Provides detailed and accurate information about the animal and its habitat. Includes adaptations and interesting facts. Provides accurate information with some detail about the animal and its habitat. Includes some adaptations and interesting facts. Provides basic information about the animal and its habitat. Some details or facts may be missing or unclear. Provides minimal or inaccurate information. Lacks detail and key facts. 5
Creativity Presentation is highly engaging, visually appealing, and includes creative elements (e.g., maps, drawings). Presentation is engaging and visually appealing with some creative elements. Presentation is somewhat engaging, but lacks visual appeal and creativity. Presentation is not engaging, lacks visual appeal, and creativity. 5
Teamwork Group worked effectively together, dividing tasks evenly and supporting each other. Clear evidence of collaboration. Group worked well together with some division of tasks. Collaboration is evident but could be improved. Group had some difficulty working together. Task division and collaboration were uneven. Group did not work well together. Tasks were not divided, and collaboration was poor. 5
Presentation Skills Presentation is clear, well-organized, and confidently delivered. Group members effectively answer questions. Presentation is clear and organized. Most group members speak confidently and answer questions effectively. Presentation is somewhat clear but lacks organization. Group members may have difficulty answering questions. Presentation is unclear and poorly organized. Group members are not confident and struggle to answer questions. 5

Total Score: 20

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