
Present Tense with Dora



You will be evaluated based on the four criteria below.


# Try Again (0) Good (1) Very Good (2) Exellent!! (3) Score
Simple Present Tense Exercise : Positive Sentences You need more practice and enhance your understanding about the material. Never give up! 6-10 mistakes You did a good performance, but you have to improve again your knowledge. Keep spirit!3-5 mistakes You almost did the task perfectly. Keep working! 1-2 mistakes Congratulations! You did the task perfectly. No mistake /3
Simple Present Tense Exercise : Negative Sentences You need more practice and enhance your understanding about the material. Never give up! 6-10 mistakes You did a good performance, but you have to improve again your knowledge. Keep spirit! 3-5 mistakes You almost did the task perfectly. Keep working! 1-2 mistakes Congratulations! You did the task perfectly. No mistake /3
Simple Present Tense Exercise : Interrogative Sentences You need more practice and enhance your understanding about the material. Never give up! 6-10 mistakes You did a good performance, but you have to improve again your knowledge. Keep spirit! 3-5 mistakes You almost did the task perfectly. Keep working! 1-2 mistakes Congratulations! You did the task perfectly. No mistake /3
Identifying Simple Present Sentences in Sing-Along Song You need more practice and enhance your understanding about the material. Never give up! 6-7 mistakes You did a good performance, but you have to improve again your knowledge. Keep spirit! 3-5 mistakes You almost did the task perfectly. Keep working! 1-2 mistakes Congratulations! You did the task perfectly. No mistake /3

Total Score: /12

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