
Exploring the Explorers



Students it is time to take a break from your journey and evaluate what you have learned.  As you write your facts remember to use your best cursive handwriting and good sentence structure.  Remember sentences begin with a capital letter and end with correct punctuation.  Try to remember as many facts as you can.  The more facts you remember the better your score.  If you remember more that 6 you will be an exemplary learner.  If you remember from 3 to 5 you are considered a good learner and if you remember 2 or less you are a beginning learner.  Do your best as you complete this task.


# 1 2 3 Score
Content 2 or less facts are present. 3 to 5 facts are present. 6 for more facts are present.
Sentence Structure Student does not use correct sentence structure. Student mostly uses correct sentence structure. Student uses correct sentence structure.
Neatness Writing is not legable. Writing is mostly neat. Writing is neat and easy to read.

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