
Me and My Shadow




# Advanced: 4 Proficient: 3 Basic: 2 Below Basic: 1 Score
Research The Shadow Detective Journal page provides a complete record of accurate research findings, and some reflection about how shadows are formed. The Shadow Detective Journal page provides a complete record of accurate research findings. The Shadow Detective Journal page provides some details of research findings. Some research findings may not be accurate. The Shadow Detective Journal page provides very little details of research findings and/or inaccurate information.
Data Collection Data is taken several times in a careful, reliable manner using a digital camera to photograph shadows along with accurate shadow measurements and sun/shadow positions recorded. Data is taken using a digital camera to photograph shadows with some accurate shadow measurements and sun/shadow positions recorded. Data is taken using a digital camera to photograph shadows with few shadow measurements and sun/shadow positions recorded. Data is taken using a digital camera to photograph shadows with inaccurate or no shadow measurements and inaccurate or no sun/shadow positions noted.
Bar Graph All Shadow length data is presented in a Bar Graph with correct labeling for all components. Most Shadow length data is presented in a Bar Graph with some labeling. Some Shadow length data is presented in a Bar Graph with minimal labeling. Minimal data is presented in a Bar Graph with inaccurate or no labeling.
Power Point Presentation Accurate information is given to effectively teach others about how shadows are formed and how the Sun's position in the sky affects shadow length and direction. Accurate information is given and is somewhat effectively conveyed to others. Some information is given, and is somewhat effectively conveyed to others. Minimal information is given, and/or information is not accurate.

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