


This is an evaluation for that looks at the questions students were required to answer, organization of their project, grammar, and the overall presentation. 


# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Elements required for final projects. Students answered little to none of the required questions, but not all. There was little effort on the details that went into answering the questions they answered. There was also no effort made to create their own questions about Rosa and their final project. Students answered some of the required questions, but not all. There was some detail in the questions they answered, but mostly very straight forward. Students answered all of the required questions for their final project and answered them with detail and emotion. Students also created their own questions that were answered in their project. Students answered all of the required questions for their final project and answered them with great detail and emotion, as if it was Rosa Parks speaking through their project. They created their own questions that were more 'teacher-like' questions. 40%
Organization Most of the content in the final project was not placed correctly. Some of the content in the final project was not placed correctly. Most of the content in the final project was placed correctly. All of the content in the final project was placed correctly. 10%
Grammar There are 5 or more grammatical/mechanical mistakes in the project. There are at least 4 grammatical/mechanical mistakes in the project. There are at least 3 grammatical/mechanical mistakes in the project. There are no grammatical/mechanical mistakes in the project. 10%
Presentation-- Eye contact, everyone in group spoke, voice, confidence Students presentation of their final project was lacking presentation etiquette and students should no emotion about the project as they spoke to the class. The group seemed not prepared and as if they did not practice before the presentation. Students presentation of their final project was lacking some of the presentation etiquette. Students showed some emotion throughout their project, but not a lot. Students acted as if some parts of their presentation was not prepared. Students presentation of the final project had most of the presentation etiquette requirements. Students showed emotion throughout most of the presentation and seemed as if they understood how Rosa Parks would have felt. Students were prepared and had obviously practiced before presentation. Students did an excellent job of making sure all of the presentation etiquette requirements were met during their presentation. Students did an excellent job portraying how they felt about Rosa Parks and showed emotion throughout the presentation. Students presentation seemed well rehearsed and ready to present. 40%

Total Score:


  • File
    Description: Questions students were required to answer.

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