
Creating a killer ESL Blog!




# Unsatisfactory Developing Good Excellent Score
ESL Blog Organisation The Blog is not well organised and difficult to navigate. The postings are not marked by separate titles and the links are not visible. The Blog is organised according to separate posts, but they are not easy to delineate. The postings are marked by separate titles but there are no links or the links are not visible on the page. The Blog is organised but not very easy to navigate. All the postings are marked by separate titles, bit there are no relevant links. The Blog is well organised and easy to navigate. All the postings are marked by separate titles and all the links are conveniently placed on the page. %25
Posting The blog doesn't display all the 3 required postings. The grammar and the spelling of the posts is not accurate. The blog displays all the 3 required postings, but the grammar and the spelling of the posts needs some improvement. The blog displays all the 3 required postings. Both the grammar and the spelling is ok, but the student needs to revize the posts agan. The blog displays all the 3 required postings with relevant links and pictures. Both the grammar and the spelling of the posts is accurate. %25
Attachments 1) Youtube videos 2) Powerpoint presentations through Slideshare 3) Podcasting The blog doesn't display relevant videos from Youtube and PPP from slideshare.net. There is no podcast under any of the posts. The blog displays only either videos from Youtube or a PPP from slideshare.netwith no description attached to it. The student has not posted a podcast under any of the posts. The blog displays relevant videos from Youtube and PPP from slideshare.net, but they are not accompanied by any description. The student has also posted a podcast under one of the posts, but the podcast needs some improvement. The blog displays relevant videos from Youtube and PPP from slideshare.net with a detailed description why the student chose them or how they are related to his/her blog. The student has also posted a podcast under one of the posts. %25
Authenticity All the information on the blog is not authentic and doesn't reflect its author's personal point of view on the posted topics. The student has used somebody else's opinion or work to display on the blog. Not all the information on the blog is authentic. Only some entries reflect its author's personal point of view on the posted topics. All the information on the blog is authentic, but the student needs to express more personal points of view and more personal ideas related to the blog's topics. The student has not used somebody else's opinion or work to display on the blog. All the information on the blog is authentic and reflects its author's personal point of view on the posted topics. All the videos and the presentations are done by the student. %25

Total Score: %100

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