
How do we travel?



This task will be graded based on the process followed and the outcome in completing the task given.  In completing the task you are required to watch the video on creating a transportation. collect materials used to create the transportation. Create the transportation and use your level of creativity. This means that you don have to use the same colour materials to create the transportation. Four (4) marks is the highest score for each item. Aim to get the highest score at all times. You can use the rubric to grade yourself while you are working.


# 1 mark 2 marks 3 marks 4 marks Score
1 video was viewed but materials gathered were not used. video was viewed but some of the materials gathered were used. video was viewed but most of the materials gathered were used. video was viewed and all materials gathered were used. 4
2 Student has trouble following the video step by step in creating the model of transportation. Student follows some of what video states in creating the model of transportation. Student followed most of the video in creating the model of transportation. Student followed the video step by step in creating the model of transportation. 4
3 Student has trouble creating the model of the transportation. Student some what create the model of the transportation. Model of the transportation was mostly created. Model of the transportation was neatly created. 4
4 Student has no level of creativity in creating the model. Student has some level of creativity in creating the model. Student show most level of creativity in creating the model. Student uses multiple level of creativity in creating the model. 4

Total Score: 16

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