
Describing The Weather



This task will be graded take into consideration the following criteria as follows: Understanding, writing, creating, and presentation. The grade rate goes from 0 to 5. It is also important to demonstrate that you work collaboratively 


# Poor (0%-59%) Acceptable (60%) Good (80%) Excellent (100%) Score
Understanding Poor recognition of the different types of weather Average recognition fo the different types of weather Good recognition of the different types of weather Accurate recognition of the different types of weather 1
Creating The comic includes none of the elements provided by the website tool The comic includes some of the elements provided by the website tool The comic includes almost all of the elements provided by the website tool The comic includes all of the elements provided by the website tool 1
Writing The ideas are not well-connected, and include many grammatical mistakes. Some ideas are not well-connected as well as some grammatical mistakes The majority of the ideas are well-connected as well as the avoidance of grammatical mistakes. The ideas are logically connected, and avoid grammatical mistakes 1
Presentation The presentation is not organized, the students don't show comprehension of the activity and the language use can be better. The presentation is well organized, the language use is appropriate but not all of the students show comprehension. The presentation is well organized, the language use is appropriate and all students show comprehension. The presentation is complete, coherent, organized and shows that the students comply with all the purposes of the task. 2

Total Score: 5

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