


See the rubricks of evaluation of your work.


# 3 4 5 Score
Presentation Art work shows a small amount of the given style. The presentation is done according to the required information, but only with 1 point ( style, colour-palette, decor). Logically structured. Contains illustrations which are not logically connected with chosen requirements. Art work chosen is a good example of the given style.The presentation is done according to the required information, but only with two points ( style, colour-palette, decor). Logically structured. Contains illustrations which are logically connected with chosen requirements. Art work is an excellent example of the given style .The presentation is done according to all the required information with three points ( style, colour-palette, decor). Logically structured. Contains illustrations which are logically connected with chosen requirements.
Language Few grammatical or spelling errors. Poor amount of topical vocabulary. Structures are not used. Few grammatical or spelling errors. Rich of topical vocabulary, grammatical structures are used at least 1-2 times No grammatical errors or spelling errors. The speech is rich of topical vocabulary. The structures are used at least 3 times.
Reasoning explanation is difficult to understand explanation is clear explanation is detailed and clear

Total Score: 15

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